Chapel Noir

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. . only ever kills the weak and the false. Thetower has continued to scribe the ever-changing sky with itsgold-tipped silhouette and to hold its lacework calculus erectlike a desire . . .—SCULPTOR RAYMOND DUCHAMP-VILLONAmong the many interesting and useful sights in London is the Time Signal Ball near Trafalgar Square, a six-foot-diameter zinc ball that drops ten feet at one o’clock every day. This is not only a visual landmark, but a most practical device, against which all may set their timep...ieces according to the world standard of Greenwich Mean Time, also an English invention.In Paris, in the year of Our Lord and incidentally of l’Exposition universelle de 1889, there is, alas, the Eiffel Tower.There, in a nutshell, you have the difference between the two capitals, the two countries, the two nationalities. What is useful and interesting in London is useless and overpowering in Paris.To my mind, the construction now rising from the Champ de Mars along the Seine is a modern Tower of Babel.

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