Cold in the Shadows 5

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Right now Killion would barter just about anything to rewind his choices and take his pretty little frog geek to a real hospital with real doctors. For the past thirty-six hours he’d done nothing but fight to keep her alive.The water was icy cold as he climbed into the enormous bathtub with his arms full of delirious female. A female who’d just spiked a temp of 105 F. He knew there was a risk of cardiac arrest from what he was about to do, but it was the only thing he could think of to stop her ...brain from being fried. He eased into the freezing depths and felt his balls retract to the point of no return.“Holy mother trucker.” Goodbye manhood, it was fun while it lasted. He gritted his teeth as the water climbed higher, creeping closer to the top of the tub, almost to the edge but not overflowing. Audrey’s head rested on his shoulder, lolling in a way he didn’t like. He did not want her to die.They were both naked. It was easier this way and she was too out of it to give a shit.

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