Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1940

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It is hung on the east wall of the Library Hall where it may be enjoyed by all people who live in. or come to our Saco Valley Region.
Miss Pratt, with the State Bookmobile, Mrs.
McKeen. the librarian at East Conway, Mrs. Snow at Center Conway and Miss Pollard at Conway have con- Town of Conway 67 tributed much to the advancement of library work in this town.
Respectfully submitted, RUTH A. KENNETT, Secretary Conway Library Trustees REPORT OF CENTER CONWAY FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Cash on hand Jan. 1
..., 1939 $ 5 93 Fines received 4 17 Rentals 6 20 Total receipts Paid for incidentals $ 1 50 Paid for books 5 75 Paid for supplies 1 75 Total expenditures Balance on hand Resources Books on hand January 1, 1939 Added by purchase Added by fines Added by g'ifts Lost or discarded Volumes owned Circulation Fiction Juvenile $16 90 $ 9 00 $7 90 3552 28 3 6 3590 20 3570 2658 631 68 Annual Report Miscellaneous 443 Magazines ilation 933 Total circt 4665 GERTRUDE A.
Librarian AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE February 15, 1940 We hereby certify that we have this day examined the accounts of the Conway Library Trustees and find them correct with proper vouchers on file for all ex- penditures and balance on hand of $238.25.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1940
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