Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1957

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20, 1958 Report of Superintendent To the Conway School Board: The opening of our two new elementary schools is tangible evi- dence of the willingness of the people of Conway to pay for and to support new schools for our children. It is an expression of their faith in education, the youth of our country, and faith in our way of life and its institutions.
Good teaching presupposes good teachers. We have good teachers in our schools, but we must be concerned with the problem of securing and retain our good teachers. The teacher shortage is the most serious problem confronting our schools today.
Throughout the country education is being discussed and debated as never before. This is also happening in Conway, but it is evident that these discussions will not only create a new and high level of in- terest and concern for the education of Conway's children, but also a 74 high level of community understanding and intelligent community support.
The first half of this 1957-1958 school year has seen more edu- cational progress than any similar period in the past decade.

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