Demon Moon (2007)

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I pray that your next letter includes intelligence from those blasted boring Scrolls of a way to break it. I hang on by cravat and waistcoat; if not for Winters, I’d be a terrible mess. I find it most distressing to look into a mirror and see…I’ve no idea what I see. Only that it cannot be me.—Colin to Ramsdell, 1816Savi wasn’t surprised to find Hugh in his home office—nor when she found him bench-pressing an enormous set of weights instead of sitting at the desk.“Can we talk?”Hugh paused in the... middle of a lift, looking down the length of his body at her. Settling the bar in the cradle, he sat up and wiped the perspiration from his face and chest with a T-shirt.The symbols scarring his pectorals were pale against his tan. Savi wanted to cringe in sympathy just looking at them; yet he’d willingly stood for it, sacrificing himself to save four of his students—perhaps saving the city. The world.If Savi hadn’t been stowed away in Caelum, he likely would have been rescuing her from Lucifer and the nosferatu.And if her gratitude when he covered them was tinged by guilt, it quickly disappeared when she realized that he’d put on the sweaty shirt.

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