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A Lexicon of Cryptography (“Most Secret”, Bletchley Park, 1943) THE APPLE TREES wept blossom in the wind. It drifted across the graveyard and piled like snow against the slate and marble tombs.
Hester Wallace leaned her bicycle beside the low brick wall and surveyed the scene. Well, this was life, she thought, and no mistake about it; this was nature going on regardless. From inside the church rolled the booming notes of the organ. “O God, Our Help in Ages Past…” She hummed to herself as she tug
...ged on her gloves, tucked a few stray hairs under the band of her hat, straightened her shoulders and strode on up the flagstone path towards the porch.
The truth was, if it hadn’t been for her, there would never have been a memorial service. It was she who persuaded the vicar to open the doors of St Mary’s, Bletchley, even though she had to concede that “the deceased”, as the vicar primly put it, was not a believer. It was she who booked the organist and told him what to play (Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in E flat major to see them all in, the Sanctus from Faure’s Requiem to get them all out).

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