Every Breath

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The book Every Breath was written by author Here you can read free online of Every Breath book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Every Breath a good or bad book?
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That’s what Hope’s father used to say, anyway, and like many of the things he’d told her, the passage of time seemed to amplify its wisdom.
But then again, time had a way of changing everything, she thought. As she reflected on her life, it seemed impossible to believe that nearly a quarter century had passed since those days at Sunset Beach. So much had happened since then and she often felt as though she’d become an entirely different person than she once had been.
Now, she was alone. It was e
...arly evening, with a hint of winter evident in the brisk air, and she sat on the back porch of her home in Raleigh, North Carolina. Moonlight was casting an eerie glow across the lawn and silvering the leaves that stirred in the breeze. The rustling sound made it seem as though voices of the past were calling to her, as they often did these days. She thought about her children, and as she moved the rocker slowly back and forth, the memories tumbled forth in a kaleidoscope of images. In the darkness, she recalled the awe she’d felt when holding each of them in the hospital; she smiled at the sight of them running naked down the hallway after taking their baths as toddlers.

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Every Breath
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User Reviews:

Guest 3 months ago

My first time reading book with old characters on it. I loved it so much! I love how Nicholas Sparks twist the ending. After reading the book it makes me think that living in 90's are pure innocents. I loved it!

Guest 4 months ago

It was a very good book, it made me cry, happy and many other emotions throughout de book. Very beautiful.

puravjha07 6 months ago

This book healed the parts that were broken by the previous two books he released, so I was so relieved that I wanted to finish it. I was left wondering if Nicholas Sparks had lost his touch after reading Two by Two and See Me. It felt so wrong. Nope! This book had the same romantic vibe as everything I adore and know about this author. I also reviewed this book on other platforms like shabd,in and kindle.

Guest a year ago

Where is book Two, I really enjoyed reading this book I want to know what happen to the characters in this story.

Guest a year ago

Splendid book! Didn’t cry while reading since a very long time. Lived every word with so much emotions that it hurt reading .

Guest 2 years ago

The story is heart shattering. The love is truly exquisite. Loved reading it very much. Very nice September rainy day read with a hot mug to drive away loneliness and boredom.

Guest 4 years ago

Loved this book! Nicholas Sparks never disappoints! The story draws you in as the characters come alive. You feel their happiness and pain and the stirring of emotions throughout the book make this book an awesome read.

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