Fablehaven 1

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The book Fablehaven 1 was written by author Here you can read free online of Fablehaven 1 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Fablehaven 1 a good or bad book?
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" "I wasn't going to eat one. " "No? Sit and smell them for a few minutes, and you'll end up with a petal in your mouth beforeyou know what you're doing. " They proceeded in silence for a few hundred yards. The walls of the ravine grew more sheer androcky as they progressed. They noticed a few other clusters of lotus blossoms. "Where is Nero?" Kendra asked. Grandma scanned the wall of the ravine. "Not much farther. He lives up on a ledge. " "We have to climb up to him?" "Stan said Nero lowered ...a rope ladder. " "What's that?" Seth asked, pointing up ahead. "I'm not sure, " Grandma said. A good distance down the ravine, about twenty upright logs ofincreasing height led from the edge of the stream to the wall of the ravine. The highest log grantedaccess to a rocky ledge. "It might be our destination. This is not what Stan described. " They arrived at the logs. The lowest was three feet tall, the next was six feet, and eachsubsequent log stood roughly three feet taller than the previous one, until the tallest rose about sixtyfeet high.

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Fablehaven 1
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Guest 3 years ago

I think this book is really good except it would be better if the words weren't jumbled up together since it makes it harder to read.

Guest 4 years ago

Awesome book. Loved it. It was a good read. Loved the characters and the description and the details.

Guest 5 years ago

Kept me entertained and engaged... I liked the book and will probably read the sequel books also... Some of the words not being spaced correctly is a little bit hard to read, but other than that.. I liked the read

Guest 5 years ago

I have read the entire series and this is as good as it gets. Fablehaven is up there with Dune, Foundation, Harry Potter, and all such ground breaking series.

Guest 6 years ago

i do not like it

Guest 6 years ago

I don’t know

Guest 6 years ago

It is so boring because of the beginning

Guest 6 years ago

very enjoyable

Guest 6 years ago

this is a great book and has a lot of potential just one problem some of the words are not spaced out

Guest 6 years ago

yes you are right

Guest 6 years ago

I really like reading this book

Guest 6 years ago

but I don't

Guest 7 years ago

the words are cramped together and i can barly understand some of them

Guest 6 years ago

its- its a vine:/

Guest 6 years ago

don't say that
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Guest 7 years ago

Is this before, or after "Chasing the Prophecy"?

Guest 6 years ago

boooooooooooooooooo also

Guest 6 years ago

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