Facing the Music And Living to Talk About It

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Petersburg, but somewhere in Russia during our Unbreakable Tour in 2008, I decided I was unbreakable too. I abused my body with booze and drugs like I was indestructible, a human Humvee.
Surprised? I wasn’t.
The way I partied on that tour was just crazy, especially since there’d been warning signs that my parts were already out of alignment. I’d been feeling crappy for most of the four months preceding the tour. We’d already done something like forty shows and I was dragging.
I’m a bit of a hypo
...chondriac anyway, but I had plenty of reasons to think something was wrong. I’d hit 224 pounds and was so out of shape that I could hardly catch my breath when we were performing. Then there were the pains in my chest. I’d wake up at night convinced I was having a heart attack, but I’d talk myself down, thinking it was just my hypochondria kicking in.
Did that stop me from binge drinking? No, not Nick Carter. Sad to say, I’d gone back on the bottle just six or seven months after my self-rehab at the Cool Springs house in 2006.

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