Finding Emma

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The gorgeous weather had called to her, enticed her to bask in the sun as her chocolate almond scones baked in the oven. Her lethargic body betrayed her as it drank in the warm rays of the sun. She could have fallen asleep, would have, if it weren't for the scones. She enjoyed the quiet of the day. It didn’t happen very often, but her calendar was empty. No meetings, no one she needed to call. An empty slate. It should have been a welcome reprieve, an enjoyable break, but it drove Megan nuts. Wi...thout having something to focus, memories resurfaced. Of Emma. Of the little girl at the donut shop. Of Peter’s phone call with Samantha. So she baked. As she pulled the scones out of the oven, the phone rang. Megan looked at the time. Two hours before school was out. She pulled the oven mitt off her one hand, grabbed the phone and hooked it in the crook of her shoulder. “Hey darlin', just calling to check to see if I’m on for the walk today? I can’t remember.” Laurie’s cheery tone placed a smile on Megan's face.

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