Francis And Dominic And the Mendicant Orders

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Contemporary documents are few which afford definite information regarding the first years of Dominic's missionary labour. There is an absolution of 1207 showing, from the signature with the addition prsedicator minimus, that in that year he was entitled to sign himself a preacher. From a writing of 1208, a penance for one of the Cathari seeking admission into the Church, it may be gathered that he was then at work among the heretics. The penance required that on three successive Sundavs the ma
...n should be scourged by a priest, that he should fast at definite ST. DOMINIC 91 times from various foods, hear mass and recite a speci- fied number of prayers daily, be chaste in conduct, and wear monastic garments decorated with the cross.
Another document, said to be among the archives of Carcassonne, is witnessed by " Brother Dominic, Canon of Osma and humble preacher," and bears that the Bishop of Cahors in 1211 paid homage to the Count de Montfort.
The historians of the Order imply that the victory of the Count de Montfort, at the famous battle of Muret in 1213, was due to the prayers of Dominic; or, as others say, to his encouragement of the soldiers by holding aloft a crucifix.

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