Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families 2

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Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families 2
Otis, Amos, 1801-1875. [from Old Catalog]
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8. \li. Ephraim, born in Barnalable July 28, 1641, baptised July 25, 1641. He was living in 1668, but there ia no notice of him after. He waa probably dead in 1670.
9. VIII. Sarah, bora in Barnstable Feb. 2, 1643^, baptised Feb. 11, 1648-4, married let Jamea Cobb, 26th Dec. 1668, and 2d Jonathan Sparrow, Esq., of Eastham. She died in BarnaUble *^Feb. 11, 1785, in the 92d year of her age," aa recorded on her grave atones, sccording to the town records 92 ye^rs and 9 days.
Mr. Deane says ha also
...had Nathaniel 1645, and Joseph 1647. Neither the town colony or church records, confirm this statement. Mr. Savage, rejects this addition but gives him a son Jabes, who died unmarried. His suthority I do not find.
(8.) Thomas Lewes, son of George, wss born in Englsnd about the year 1628. He came over with his father when a child of four years, residing about three years in Plymooth, then re- moviid with his fsther to Scituate, and from thence to Barnstable in I €89. His education was obtained in the new settlements, be- fore public schools had been estsblished.

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