Historic Homes of the South-West Mountains, Virginia;

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G. B. Goode in his excellent address made before the United States Geographic Society in 1896 at Monticello. He says, — " I have myself seen in this locality pits partially filled up which were used as wolf-traps not half a century ago, and have talked with a man whose father had seen a herd of buffalo crossing Roanoke River, less than two hundred miles south-west of Charlottesville, called Buffalo Ford." In 1 743 wolves and buffalo were still abundant along the mountains, and the inhabitants w...ere ac- customed to collect bounties in tobacco for their capture. The stream called Wolf Trap Branch, near Charlottesville, also preserves the memory of those times.
On the highest point of Wolf Pit Mountain is a spot called View Rock, from which is ob- tained one of the most extensive prospects in Al- bemarle, embracing in panoramic scope nearly the entire county, extending from Liberty Mills in Madison County, with the entire interlying valley reaching far beyond Charlottesville, to Gordonsville in Orange County, and on the south as far as the eye can reach into Nelson County, all of which can be seen without moving one's position on the rock, embracing also a view of more than fifteen 93 HISTORIC HOMES OF THE miles of the Rivanna River as it winds among the foot-hills.

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You can find similar books in the "Read Also" column, or choose other free books by Mead, Edward C. (Edward Campbell), 1837-1908 to read online
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