History of Greece And Rome, Including Judea, Egypt, And Carthage

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On his removal to Rome, say the historians, as he approached the city gate, an eagle, stooping from above, took off his Vat, and, flying round the chariot for some time, put it on again. This, nis wife Tanaquil, who it seems was skilled in augury, iG'.erpreted as What occasioned a war with the Sabines ? — Ho w long did Tullus Hostilius reign ? — Who was next elected ? — What remarkable works did Ancus effect ? — How long did he reign ? — Who next obtained the kingdom ?
...sage that he should one day wear the crown. Tarquin used all his power and art to set aside the children of the late king, and to be elected in their stead. For this purpose he urged the benefits he had done the city. It had the desired effect, and the people elected him for their sovereign.
A kingdom thus obtained by intrigue was notwithstanding governed with equity. In the beginning of his reign, in order to recompense his friends, he added a hundred members more to the Senate, which made them in all three hundred.

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History of Greece And Rome, Including Judea, Egypt, And Carthage
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