History of Paris, Maine: From Its Settlement to 1880, With a History of the ...

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History of Paris, Maine: From Its Settlement to 1880, With a History of the ...
William Berry Lapham, Silas P. Maxim
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1847, m. 2d, Elizabeth M., dau. of Cornelius Bar- rows, Apfil 30, 1849.
Charlotte Elizabeth^ b. June 22, 1850.
The mother d. July, 1850, m. 3d, Sept. 30, 1851, Maria A. G., widow of Henry M. Packard of Blanchard, and dau. of Sylvanus Bearce of Hebron.
Cyprian Hall died. Maria A. G. Hall d. Dec. 9, 1809.
Joseph Hall, brother of the preceding, m. Lydia Huzzey of Barrington, N. H. Children: Boderick Floyd^ b. 1855, graduated at Dartmouth College; Xtl/tf, t>. 1865.
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... or PARIS.
Abuah C, Hall, brother of the preceding, m. Maiy, dau. of Deacon Ezra Bartlett of Oxford. She waa b. Feb. 16, 1837, a. on the homestead, and afterward built a residence in South Pai-is village.
Children : HerbeH P., b. Noy. 35, 1858.
LUlian May^ b. May 8, 1863, m. Ilerbert C. Ripley, 8. South Pnris.
Rodney N. Hall, son of Orra, ni. Justina C, dau. of lU>bert SkiUings, Jan. 14, 1865. Children : CarrU BobwtifM^ b. Jan. 31, 18G6; Qwirude Angutta^ b. Jan. 8, 1873; NeUon TVue, b. Oct. 14, 1876; Fred EIU90H, b.

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History of Paris, Maine: From Its Settlement to 1880, With a History of the...
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