Into the Flames (Perilous Connections: book Two)

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I feel as if I’ll disintegrate into the tiniest atoms and float away if I don’t grip the iron hewn muscles in his shoulders which are anchoring my body to this world. My body hums with a vibration all of its own making and I am helpless to hasten its demise. So I just stand there and let it have its way inside me.
    But I am shattered. Oh God why have I done this a second time?
    Why have I let him make love to me once more? He has ravished, no, seduced my body so completely that even as my
...mind cringes at the enormity of this most recent mistake, I find myself still leaning into his bulk, my arms are still clasped tightly around his shoulders and I can feel the thundering of his heart reverberating in my body.
    He is righting my clothing. Slipping my underwear and pants back unto my legs and the fool that I am, I shiver. Even bruised and swollen and having experienced the sort of pleasure that I had assumed was only contained in the highly fictionalized pages of romance books filled with impossibly gorgeous heroes.

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Into the Flames (Perilous Connections: book Two)
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