John Paul Jones of Naval Fame, a Character of the Revolution

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While at Versailles Minister de Sar- tin, by order of the King, handed Captain Jones the following letter addressed to Mr. Hantenydon, Presi- dent of the Congress of the United States, to be pres- ented upon Captain Jones' arrival in America: "Versailles, 29th May, 1780.
"Commodore Paul Jones, after having given to all Europe and, above all, to the enemies of France and of the United States, high proof of his valor and of his 168 John Paul Jones of Naval Fame.
talents, is about to return to Ame
...rica, to give an ac- count to the Congress of the success of his military operations. I am aware, Sir, that the reputation he has so justly acquired will go before him, and that the history of his campaigns will be sufficient to prove to his countrymen that his abilities are equal to his cour- age; but the King has thought it right to join to the public voice his approbation and his bounty. He has charged me expressly to make known to you how much he is satisfied with the services of the Commodore, per- suaded that Congress will do him like justice.

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John Paul Jones of Naval Fame, a Character of the Revolution
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