Joplin's Ghost

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Since she was not in her own bed, first she had to remind herself where she was: This is Carlos Harris’s bedroom. I agreed to sleep in here last night. Carlos’s queen-sized bed was big enough to give them space without touching, as he’d promised. First question answered. But although Phoenix had been dead tired when he dragged her to bed at midnight, she was sure she would have remembered seeing a shiny piano with a tall, old-fashioned wood cabinet blocking his closet door, so big and misplaced ...that it jutted almost as far as the bedroom doorway. This piano didn’t belong in Carlos Harris’s bedroom. ROSENKRANZ, said the label painted in gold across the upraised key cover, above the keys.
This piano especially didn’t belong here, she realized, examining the instrument in the silvery morning light. The piano’s appearance was all wrong, dramatically altered—but she knew this piano. She knew its height, its width, its decoratively carved legs, its engraved flowers on the pale rosewood cabinet, and especially its two candelabra spaced above the keys to give light in the time before electricity.

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