Lady Merton; a Tale of the Eternal City 2

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So we stud lookin' et each other, him a rubbin' his shiny coat agin that ar tree and meawin'. An' then it cum onter me like a flash : the tarnation critter wants another chaw uv terbacker ! So what does I do but pull out a plug and throw it t' him. Yer should 'ave seen how tickled he war. He picked it up and bit off a big chaw, and ^then pulled off a broad leaf and spread it on the ground and laid th' 232 Lady Merton, rest uv th' terbacker onter it so kurfully. An' then he looked straight et me
... 'n' purred louder 'n ever, an' then trotted away into the bush." " Do you expect us to believe that is true ? " asked Mr. Glyder.
" Darned ef it ain't, every word," replied Mr. Par- ley. " Who saw it, you or I ? I thought I w^er a bossin' this story. Wall, the next day he cum back fur his chaw, 'n' this time he jest sot up whar he war 'n' chawed 'n' spit es nicely es ever yer see a ambituous boy a larnin'. An' he went on improvin' 'n' growin' frienly tell 'fore long he stayed with me all the time, 'n' could chaw more terbacker 'n' any twenty men, an' yer might pick yer best.

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Lady Merton; a Tale of the Eternal City 2
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