Literary History of Russia

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Literary History of Russia
Brückner, Aleksander, 1856-1939
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What reading level is Literary History of Russia book?
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After these general observations we should be absolved from any more detailed treatment if the history of the greater works, the reason for their triumphant reception or fidlure with the public, the minutiae of their conception and inter- pretation, which, however incredibly, even to-day seem not finally settled, were devoid of interest as regards the history of the time and of society, but it is too instructive, too characteristic of Russian conditions, for one to be able to pass it by. We hav
...e in view to be sure only selected items — "Rudin" (1856), «The Nest of Gentlefolk " (1859), «On the Eve" (i860), «Fathers and Sons" (1862), «Smoke" (1867), and «Virgin SoilJ' (1876).
WELCOMED IN PARIS. "^ DMITRI RUDIN'' 345 His favourite plan is to test his heroes as to how they would show up at the rendezvous. Thus he deals with Rudin and does him grave injustice. R&din is one of the many " talented " Russians — no other nation has so many geniuses or draws so many blanks with them — a man of h onour t hrough and through , who co nstantly sacrificff^his own personal advance, strikes no roots in bad soil however ri ch it m ay be, In whom burnTthe fire of Ihe love of truth, whose words scatter much good seed in young souls.

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