Little Masterpieces of English Poetry

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To see the form of a maiden fair, Lashed close to a drifting mast. So The salt sea was frozen on her breast.
The salt tears in her eyes ; And he saw her hair, like the brown seaweed, On the billows fall and rise. ^4^ 185 Little Masterpieces of English Poetry Such was the wreck of the Hesperus, In the midnight and the snow !
Christ save us all from a death like this, On the reef of Norman's Woe ! S 1S39. Henry Wadswortli Longfcllozv.
SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT Southward with fleet of ice Sailed the co
...rsair Death ; Wild and fast blew the blast, And the east-wind was his breath.
His lordly ships of ice Glisten in the sun ; On each side, like pennons wide.
Flashing crystal streamlets run.
His sails of white sea-mist Dripped with silver rain ; But where he passed there were cast Leaden shadows o'er the main.
Eastward from Campobello Sir Humphrey Gilbert sailed ; Three days or more seaward he bore, Then, alas ! the land-wind failed.
Alas ! the land-wind failed.
And ice-cold grew the night ; 186 Sir Humphrey Gilbert And nevermore, on sea or shore, Should Sir Humphrey see the light.

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