Memorial Addresses On the Life And Character of Edward J. Gay: a ...

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Memorial Addresses On the Life And Character of Edward J. Gay: a ...
United States. Congress, United States. Congress. Memorial Address
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Life and Character of Edward J, Gay. 3»3 Those who were associated with him in the consideration and perfecting of measures in the committee-room or in their passage through this House will easily remember how self- reliant he was and how tenacious of his opinions when once formed. Such men are valuable in any place and at all times, and probably there is no characteristic more needed in public than that they have some fixed opinions, some earnest convictions, and that they have the courage to
...stand by them and contend for them.
The practical wisdom that had served Mr. Gay in all his private affairs and had given him such prominence among the successful business men of the country found ready and constant application when he left his home to assume the responsible functions of a law-maker for the American peo- ple. As the country grows in wealth and population its industries and enterprises become more varied and complex, and the duties devolving on the National Legislature natu- rally increase alid multiply.

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