Modern Social Movements; Descriptive Summaries And Bibliographies

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b. h. 1899. I95P Kautsky, Karl. The class struggle (Erfurt program), tr. by W. E. Bohn. Chic. C. H. Kerr & co. 1910. 2i7p.
The book is an elaboration of the official program of the German social-democratic party as it was organized up to 1914, by its ablest scholar.
Kautsky, Karl. Ethics and materialist conception of history tr. by J. B. Askew. Chic. C. H. Kerr & co. 1907.
Kautsky, Karl. Die historische Leistuns; von Karl Marx.
Berlin. Buchhandlung Vorwarts. 1908. 48p.
SOCIALISM 151 Labriola, A
...ntonio. Essays on the materialistic conception of history. Chic. C. H. Kerr & co. 1904. 246?.
Labriola, Antonio. Socialism and philosophy. Chic. C.
H. Kerr & co. 1912. 26op.
Lassalle, Ferdinand. Gesammelte Redan und Seriffen. Heraus- gegeben und eingeleitet von Eduard Bernstein. Berlin. Paul Cassirer. 1919-20.
4 V. of 12 announced to be published.
Lassalle, Ferdinand. An open letter to the National labor asso- ciation of Germany. Cincinnati. Nat. exec, committee of Socialist labor party. 1879. 33P.

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