Morris Ketchum Jesup : a Character Sketch

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The James Hall collection of fos- sils, the largest in the country, the fruit of the geological survey of the State, was secured by purchase. The difficulty was to know what to do with the collections when they arrived. There were no proper facilities for exhibition, and the staff" was inadequate and overworked.
Professor Bickmore was indefatigable, but he could not do the impossible. "The time of the curators," writes Professor Gratacap, "was employed in devising room, in anticipating addition
...s, preserving specimens, formulat- ing needs and mechanical appliances, renovating, pack- ing and unpacking. The Museum had no laboratory, no publications and allied itself with no professed body of scientific students or thinkers. Its immediate care was to keep its collections safe." Under these trying circumstances the plans for the new building went forward. They had been entrusted 148 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP to Mr. Calvert Vaux, who entered sympathetically into the ideals of the founders and did his work so well that room has been found for all the later development within the lines which he originally laid down.

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Morris Ketchum Jesup : a Character Sketch
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