Necroscope 4: Deadspeak

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As yet her talent was a fifty-fifty thing; she had very little control over it; it came and went. But where Harry Keogh was concerned, that might be just as well. Sometimes, in Harry’s mind, she’d read things she was sure had no right to be there—or in any sane mind, for that matter.
    She and Harry had made love only an hour ago, and afterwards he had at once fallen asleep. Sandra had come to know Harry’s habits well enough: he’d stay asleep for three or four hours, which for him would serve a full night’s rest. As for Sandra: she would have to sleep tomorrow, at her own place in Edinburgh, making up the night’s deficiency.
    Staring right into Harry’s pale, relaxed, almost little-boyish face, she saw no sign as yet of the rapid eye movements which would tell her that he was dreaming. So for now she too could relax. It was Harry’s dreams which most interested her. That was what she tried to keep telling herself, anyway.
    She worked for E-Branch.

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Necroscope 4: Deadspeak
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