Neutrality Versus Justice An Essay On International Relations

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Neutrality Versus Justice An Essay On International Relations
Aaron Jonah Jacobs
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The outcome of the policy of neutrality towards belligerents, in other words allowing each nation to enforce what it chooses to regard as it own rights, is to be seen in the perpetual warfare which mankind has had to endure from time immemorial, culminating in the stupendous conflict which now threatens to engulf our civilisation. This should be no matter for surprise, because it can hardly be doubted that if, in the same way, indi- vidual men were henceforth allowed by their fellows to attempt... to enforce their own rights, society would become extinct in a month.
NEUTRALITY VERSUS JUSTICE 91 XX Those who believe that the use of force under any circumstances is wrong will see little gain in freeing a nation from the sole responsibility of maintaining its rights by force, if similar methods must be em- ployed by the whole body of nations acting together. To point out that an overwhelming preponderance of force is unlikely to be challenged will provoke the retort that, even so, the peace attained by such means would be unsatisfactory, because it would be imposed by the threat of force, and would not come about as the result of a better spirit among nations.

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