Never to Sleep (2012)

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The book Never to Sleep was written by author Here you can read free online of Never to Sleep book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Never to Sleep a good or bad book?
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* * * “I know she’s your best friend and all, Sophie, but Laura Bell has got to go,” Peyton whispered, shoving both gym doors open at once so she could walk through the center of the double doorway for a grand exit. Every entrance Peyton made was a production, and every exit was a statement. This exit said, Get used to the back of my head, bitches, because that’s all you’re gonna see when I lead us to the state dance team championship next year.
What Peyton didn’t understand was that she wasn’t
...going to be leading us.
I was.
In the entire history of the Eastlake High dance team, an incoming junior had never been voted captain. I was going to be the first. But I needed Laura’s support to make that happen. People fear Peyton’s mouth. They respect my talent. And they like Laura. It was going to take at least two of the three—fear, respect, and congeniality—to claim the prize.
If Peyton got Laura kicked off the team, I was screwed.

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