Newsletter From Lycoming College V.13, No.2

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Ohve Williams, R. U. 1, Lock H.neu, Penna.
1927 C. Mitchell ILtmiuond, 207 E. Main St., Lock Ha\cn, Penna.
I'aulkncr B. Lewis, Fairview Ave., Madison, N. J.
John J., .36 Railroad St.. Wilkcs-Barre. Pcnna.
Earl Z. McKay, Stewart Air Force Base, N. Y.
Evelyn Metzger Alexander, Duval Mant)r Apt. 60.5, Johnson and Green, Philadelphia. Penna.
Benjamin L. Prindle, Pownal, Wrinont 1926 Cliarles E. Manhertz, Methodist Parsonage, Roscville, Calif, ll.-lcn C. Reeser, 52 E. Market St., Mt. Union,
... Penna.
1925 Margaret E. Hill. Mary Holmes Junior College, West Point, Xtiss.
Williau) H. Huling, Route 4, Box 495, Tucson, Arizona Leon \\\ Ross, Clayton, Del.
1924 Ruth Kcssler, High School, Floral Park, L. I., N. Y.
Charles F. Parrish, 431 .\shcroft .■\vc., Cresson, Penna.
Bessie Reynard English, 164 W. Main St., Canandaigua, N. Y.
Frank L. Tuckey. 1931 Holly St., Harrisburg, Penna.
Sar.d> E. Wilson, 3205 Elgin Ave., Baltimore 16, Md.
1923 Margaret Price Foulkrod, 2748 London Rd., Clexeland, Ohio Mary Schlicher Evans, 7051 E.

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Newsletter From Lycoming College V.13, No.2
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