Notes On Vernacular Education in Ceylon

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450 3 / 660 for a 1st class certificate holder. Rs. 600 rising after 5 years to Rs. 660 for a first class head teacher and in large schools by five trien- nial increments of Rs. 60 to Rs. 900. Assistant teachers draw Rs. 180 and, on obtaining a 2nd class certificate, Rs. 240. The teacher in charge of the school also gets 30 cents for every boy or girl in standards I to V and 50 cents in standards VI to VIII. All teachers in government schools, who draw pay not less than Rs. 270 and have rendere...d satisfactory service, are eligible for pensions. In grant-in-aid schools the results system prevails. Th e management receives Rs. 1'50 for each of the 3 R's in which each pupil passes the examination of the inspecting officer in standards I or II, Rs. 2 in standard III, IV or V, and Rs. 2'50 in standards VI, VII or VIII. A girl can also earn for the management an almost similar sum for needlework, and in higher classes, grants are given for geography, grammar and history. Thus the manager can earn for a fully successful boy Rs.

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