Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1885

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For fire extinguishers, two thousand nine hundred and seventy (2,970) dollars.
20" 154 Item 6. For removal of nuisances, and expenses incidental thereto, ten thousand (10,000) dollars.
And warrants for Items 1 and 2 shall be drawn by the Chief Commissioner of Highways ; Item 3, by the County Commissioners ; Item 4, by the Chief of the Electrical De- partment ; Item 5, by the Board of Guardians of the Poor ; and Item 6, by the Board of Health, in conformity with existing ordinances.
Approved the
... sixteenth day of June, A. D. 1885.
WILLIAM B. SMITH, Mayor of Philadelphia.
AN ORDINANCE To approve the contract and surety of S. E. Moore & Co. for the construction of Section 6 of the Manayunk intercepting main sewer, from the sewer at Station 450 x 6i), through the tunnel on the River drive, to the sewer at station 458 X 70, and to restrict the lien of the judgment.
Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the contract of S. E. Moore & Co. for the construction of Section 6 of the Manayunk intercepting main sewer, from the sewer at Station 450 x QQ, through the tunnel on the River drive, in Fairmount Park, to the sewer at Station 458 x 70, as prepared at the Law Depart- ment, be, and the same is, hereby approved ; and that James Gordon be.

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1885
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