Poems of Sidney Lanier

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And haul the corn and house the hay, " Till presently, no man can say, (So brown the woods that line that end) If yet the brown-fleeced Wether may, Or not, have passed beyond the Bend.
" Now turn I towards the Shepherd : lo, An aged Ram, flapp'd, gnarly-horn'd, With bones that crackle o'er the snow, Rheum'd, wind-gall'd, rag-fleec'd, burr'd and thorn'd, " Time takes the third bar off for him, He totters down the windy lane.
'Tis Winter, still : the Bend lies dim.
O Lamb, would thou wouldst leap
... again 1" l62 THE, HARD TIMES IN ELFLAND, Those seasons out, we talked of these : And I (with inward purpose sly To shield my purse from Christmas trees And stockings and wild robbery When Hal and Nimblewits invade My cash in Santa Claus's name) In full the hard, hard times surveyed ; Denounced all waste as crime and shame ; Hinted that " waste " might be a term Including skates, velocipedes, Kites, marbles, soldiers, towers infirm, Bows, arrows, cannon, Indian reeds.
Cap-pistols, drums, mechanic toys, And all th' infernal host of horns Whereby to strenuous hells of noise Are turned the blessed Christmas morns •, Thus, roused — those horns I — to sacred rage, I rose, forefinger high in air, When Harry cried (some war to wage), " Papa, is hard times ev'ywhere ?

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