Practice in Proceedings Supplementary to Execution With Table of Cases And Forms

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After the return of execution unsatisfied, against a corpora- tion, the remedy of the judgment creditor is by sequestra- tion of the property of the corporation and the appointment of a receiver. Hinds v. C. & N. F. R. E. Co., 10 How. Pr.
487 ; Fitchburg Nat. Bank v. Bushwick Chem. W'ks, 13 Civ. Pro. Rep. 155. So a foreign corporation not having a place of business within the state cannot be examined as judgment-debtor for the purpose of the appointment of a receiver of its assets to be applied
... on an execution. Stephens V. Page, 54 N. Y. St. Rep. 133.
10. Foreign ministers — Consuls, etc. — Supplementary proceedings do not apply to the case of a foreign consul who has permitted judgment to be taken against him, and, if an order be obtained, he cannot be attached for refusal to obey it. Griffin v. Dominguez, 2 Duer, 656.
III. Concurrent Remedies.
A judgment-creditor may, during the pendency of supple- mentary proceedings, institute an action to make his judg- ment a lien on real estate transferred by the judgment- debtor to defraud his creditors.

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