Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States

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— Corn cockle (Agrosteunna (jithago) : a, spriiya showing flowers and seed capsule, one- third natural size ; 6, seed, natural size; &', seed, four times natural size.
22 contaming a smaller amount lias often been made into bread and eaten, sometimes with fatal results, tlie baking not always being sufficient to decompose the poison. The effect may be acute, or, if a small quantity of the meal is eaten regularly, it may be chronic. In the latter case it is sometimes known as a disease under the
... name of " githagism." Symptoms. — The general symptoms of acute poisoning aie the follow- ing: Intense irritation of the whole digestive tract, vomiting, headache, nausea, vertigo, diarrhea, hot skin, sharp pains in the spine, difficult locomotion, and depressed breathing. Coma is sometimes present, and may be followed by death. Chronic poisoning has not been closely studied in man, but experiments upon animals show chronic diarrhea and gradual depression, the animal losing vigor in breathing and in muscular movements until death ensues.

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Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States
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