Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough: With a Selection From His Letters And a ...

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Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough: With a Selection From His Letters And a ...
Clough Arthur Hugh
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I have put it in a wine-glass with the lily, which, after all, is my chief friend.
How beautiful the falling leaves of flowers are ! not de- cayed, not even as yet decaying, but ripe, full to their fullest of growth and adolescence. I cannot prevail upon myself Digitized by Google -I 184 LETTERS OF ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH to empty the wine-glass, the surface of whose water is covered with fallen geranium petals, though there are still buds enough opening and opened to make a fair show. The kalmias s
...till survive ; they will perhaps last till Thursday — sufficiently, at least, to satisfy the eyes of a lover of fall- ing petals.
People should not be very sceptical about things in general. 'Wen Gott betriigt, ist wohl betrogen. 9 There are plenty of good things in the world, and good persons.
Fitness is a great deal, but truth is a great deal more.
If things are good, we ought to accept them as such ; looking at them, and not thinking of our own fitness.
To R. W. Emerson, Esq.
London : June 17, 1852, My dear Emerson, — I hope a letter from me will not be a disagreeable visitor, though it is to be all about business, and that entirely my own business.

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Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough: With a Selection From His Letters And ...
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