P.S. I Still Love You

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The book P.S. I Still Love You was written by author Here you can read free online of P.S. I Still Love You book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is P.S. I Still Love You a good or bad book?
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I Still Love You 25 THE NIGHT BEFORE VALENTINE’S DAY, I get it in my head that my card for Peter isn’t enough and cherry turnovers would be a fantastic idea, so I wake up before the sun rises to bake them fresh, and now the kitchen looks like a crime scene. Cherry juice splattered all over the countertops and tiles. It’s a bloodbath, a cherry-juice bloodbath. Worse than the time I made red velvet cake and got red food coloring in the backsplash tiles. I had to take a toothbrush to the grout.
... But my turnovers turn out so perfect, right out of a cartoon, each one so golden and homey, with their fork-tined edges and the little holes to let out steam. My plan is to bring these to the lunch table; I know that Peter and Gabe and Darrell will appreciate them. I’ll give one to Lucas, too. And Chris, if she shows up for school.
    I text Peter that I don’t need a ride, because I want to get there early and put the valentine in his locker. There’s something sweet about a valentine in a locker—when you think about it, a locker is much like a mailbox, and everyone knows that letters sent in the mail are far more romantic than when they’re unceremoniously handed over in person.

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P.S. I Still Love You
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Guest 4 years ago

23 chapters O-M-JESUS YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING It was a cliff hanger for me STUPID SITE IT WON'T LET SEND IT

Guest 4 years ago

I didn't like the end But it was a amazing book I'm not going to say I love it but I will say I liked it.

Guest 5 years ago

I enjoyed this more than the first one but I honestly hate how this one ended. It's easy to get invested in all of the characters. I also found Lara Jean to be extremely relatable. Altogether a good book 8.5/10 just because of the ending.

Guest 5 years ago

Im in looove with this. Book im a little disapointed because John seems sooo perfect but Peter is just as perfect and even though im glad Laura Gen chose Peter, i know John loved her just as much. Havent read the 3rd book yet. Maybe shell get together with John in this one.

Guest 5 years ago

The only annoying thing is Lara Jean is kinda always talking about Peter and her choices are influenced by what he thinks or what his plan is.

Guest 5 years ago

I can’t believe Lara and peter broke up!!! I swear if she starts dating that John-y kid imm’a lose it I’ll be done with life ( I’m only on chapter 50 )

Guest 5 years ago

I kinda wanted Lara Jean to be with John, but I also knew she and Peter are perfect for each other. I’m having a literal headache over this.

Guest 5 years ago

okay so,laura gene needs to not worry bout other people period worry bout her relationhip and who cares if they were in the hot tub on a ski trip the anonumus person should have been STALKING them

Guest 5 years ago

This book is absolutely amazing. I can not express how much I love Jenny Han and her books. They are so full of character and detail, and emotion. Beautiful.

Guest 5 years ago

This book was sooooooo muuuuuch better than the first one! At first Lara Jean drove me CRAZY, there were tons of things I just hated about her! I even wasn't sure if I wanted to keep reading the books but I was so hooked by the story that I just couldn't stop and I'm glad I didn't! I freaking love Peter K.

Guest 5 years ago

Just by the title of the book I wanted to read it for one because I like reading stories like this and for 2 I know how hard it is to loose someone and you love them allot ....But in all it was a really good book.
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