To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Cover To All the Boys I've Loved Before
The book To All the Boys I've Loved Before was written by author Here you can read free online of To All the Boys I've Loved Before book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is To All the Boys I've Loved Before a good or bad book?
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I am a girl with a plan. I’m just going to have to avoid Josh forever. It’s as simple as that. And if not forever, then at least until this dies down and he forgets about my letter. There’s still the tiny chance he never even got it. Perhaps whoever mailed Peter’s only sent the one! You never know.
    My mom always said optimism was my best trait. Both Chris and Margot have said it’s annoying, but to that I say looking on the bright side of life never killed anybody.
    When I get downstairs,
...Daddy and Kitty are already at the table eating toast. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit down with them.
    “I’m going to stop by Goodwill on my way to work,” my dad says, crunching on his toast from behind his newspaper. “I’m sure the hatbox will turn up there.”
    “Your hatbox is missing?” Kitty asks me. “The one Mommy gave you?”
    I nod and shovel cereal into my mouth.

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To All the Boys I've Loved Before
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User Reviews:

Guest a year ago

Used to read this book series years ago! Was watching the movies yesterday and now im craving the books again. The movies are good but the books will always be amazing!

Guest 3 years ago

The movie was amazing.. I loved it! But I feel like the director of the movie should've incorporated more from the book into the movie I believe there can always be improvement! Can't wait to read the rest of the series:)))

Guest 3 years ago

I have to read these again I can't help it. It makes me wish I was in high school and in a few years I will be it also makes me want a boyfriend like peter

Guest 4 years ago

I had seen the movie, but i guess i didn't like it much. When i found this e-book i wasn't sure i will read it. But, I really loved it. Its one of my favs now. Its better than the movie and small things in it will bring a smile on your face.

jacylmorrison 4 years ago

I liked the movie & finally got the chance to read the book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very easy read. It brought me back to high school in a good way. I feel like I can relate to Lara Jean in many ways. I think we all had a little hatbox full of love notes. I can't wait to finish the series!

Guest 4 years ago

I enjoyed the movie & finally got around to reading the book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very easy read. I am 24, but it brought me back to high school in a good way. I felt like I could relate to Lara Jean in many ways. I think we all had a little hat box full of love notes. Can't wait to read the rest of the series!

blueinfinity 4 years ago

Omg! I'm only 3 chapters in and I cant stop reading! This is amazingggg! I wish I could read this every minute of everyday

Guest 4 years ago

I have watched the movie recently. I loved these heroes and i want to read this book, because i think that book is better than a movie. I'm sorry for my bad english, i'm learning it nowadays and i hope that this book will help me

Guest 5 years ago

I wish that the movie was like the book because it would have been more interesting with Josh trying to get Lara Jean and Gen trying to get Peter, but they still have each other and make it through. Even thought the movie is different than the book I still appreciate the effort that has been put into both, the book and movie.

Guest 4 years ago

I love that movie OMG I'm going to watch it over and over again Lara Jean and Gen is trying to get Peter the most handsome person in the movie OMG I'm dieing right now I still appreciate the effort that has put into the movies and book

Guest 5 years ago

this is the best story in the world. i love this story and jenny hand is the best author in the whole wide world. love you
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