
Cover Punchline
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“Nobody believes that nonsense about you and Darryl. Nobody. Not me, not this chili dog—and if you don’t think it’s alive, just ask my stomach.”
“But has everybody seen it?” Belle demanded, rattling the tabloid. She’d spotted two copies that her staff must have picked up at lunch break.
Today was definitely turning into one of those days. Even getting back to the office had turned out to be a battle.
When Darryl’s macho entertainment editor, Greg Ormand, had showed up at the restaur
...ant to fetch his boss, he’d failed to recognize Belle in the hat and sunglasses and had favored her with a bold stare.
Darryl had grabbed the guy’s arm with unnecessary force, just as Janie Frakes had marched in to rescue Belle. Janie and Greg had recently broken off a fiery relationship, and Janie had witnessed Greg’s leer. She had let him know in no uncertain terms what she thought of his adolescent need to flirt with every female he encountered.
Greg had responded with such adjectives as “controlling,”

What to read after Punchline?
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