Rambles, Roamings And Recollections

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Rambles, Roamings And Recollections
George Philip Rigney Pulman
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Speke's favor, and the charges were abandoned. To this Mr. Roberts curtly adds, in order, I suppose, to wind up the matter plea- santly, — " He " (Prince Rupert, I conclude, is meant jf " entertained Mr. Speke at dinner." On his return home, the owner of Whitelackington^ instead of following the advice of his friends to abstain from interfering with public affairs, allowed his tongue to run too freely, and, of course, continued to be a marked man. When the Duke of Monmouth made his celebrated "... Progress " through the West of England, the reception given to him by Mr. Speke was most enthusiastic. As the Duke journeyed thither from Longleat, the lanes and hedges were lined by the country people, who regarded him as little less than a divinity, and at Ilchester and South Petherton the streets were strewed with flowers and fragrant herbs. At the distance of ten miles from Whitelackington he was met by two thousand horsemen, whose numbers augmented as they proceeded, till twenty thousand was reached, and the park-paling was thrown down to allow of their admission.

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