Randigal Rhymes And a Glossary of Cornish Words

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The book Randigal Rhymes And a Glossary of Cornish Words was written by author Here you can read free online of Randigal Rhymes And a Glossary of Cornish Words book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Randigal Rhymes And a Glossary of Cornish Words a good or bad book?
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Dole. An ungainly bundle. " A great dole." Doles. Small heaps of ore of equal size for weighing.
Dorymouse. The dormouse.
Douter. See Dafter.
Down. Low-spirited, downcast. " Down in the mouth." Downdanted. Disheartened, discouraged.
Downses. Moors, downs. " Pradnack downses." DownSOUSe. Outright, without beating about the bush> to the point.
Dowsing-rod. A forked twig of hazel or white thorn, which, when carried over a lode or mineral vein, is said to turn in the hand toward the ground.
Doxy. S
...mart, pretty. " A doxy little bonnet." Dralyers. Trailing plants or weeds, more especially the wild convolvulus.
Dram. A swathe of corn.
Drang. An open drain or gutter ; an open groove or channel.
Drane, Apple-drane. The wasp.
Drash. To thrash corn.
Drashel, A flail, F 82 GLOSSARY.
Draw. A kind of sledge.
Dredge-corn. A mixed crop of corn.
Dredgy-ore. Ore and stone mixed.
Dressel, Drexel. The threshold.
Dribs. Small sums of money, small debts, a small quantity.
" Mary Anna collects the dribs." Driggle.

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