Report And Proceedings of the State Board of Charities Relative to the Management of the State Reformatory At Elmira, Transmitted to the Legislature, March 19, 1894

Cover Report And Proceedings of the State Board of Charities Relative to the Management of the State Reformatory At Elmira, Transmitted to the Legislature, March 19, 1894
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In our eReader you can find the full English version of the book. Read Report And Proceedings of the State Board of Charities Relative to the Management of the State Reformatory At Elmira, Transmitted to the Legislature, March 19, 1894 Online - link to read the book on full screen. Our eReader also allows you to upload and read Pdf, Txt, ePub and fb2 books. In the Mini eReder on the page below you can quickly view all pages of the book - Read Book Report And Proceedings of the State Board of Charities Relative to the Management of the State Reformatory At Elmira, Transmitted to the Legislature, March 19, 1894
What reading level is Report And Proceedings of the State Board of Charities Relative to the Management of the State Reformatory At Elmira, Transmitted to the Legislature, March 19, 1894 book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

Q. "Wlii(-h one of them ? A. Boeder.
(-i. Whtin was that, within a few days ? A. A few daysi Q. Can you write yourself ? A. Yes&, sir.
Q. (Mi: Craig.) Show the scars you say you got at the Elinira I'li'onnatoiy to the t^\'o surgeons.
(Witness exposed a scar on the right side of the head about two inches above the base of the nose; a slight scar one-half inch in length; also the third finger of the right hand, second joint, an chylosis.) Mr. Craig. — Could it have been produced by the cause he t
...estified to ?
Dr. Bansom. — It would have to be some direct violence to the joint.
Mr. Craig. — Might be produced by a kick or some other cause ?
Dr. Kansom. — More like an injury we get from baiseball or something like that.
Mr. Craig. — It might be a kick or other cause.
Dr. EansouL — Yes. There is a slight' discoloration across the buttocks three inches from the medium line on the right side and two inches on the left 455 Mr. Craig.— What might be the cause of that ?
Dr. Ransom.

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