Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-Power, And Domestic Water-Supply. : With An Account of Various Types of Dams And the Methods And Plans of Their Construction. Together With a Discussion of the Available Water-Supply for Irrigation in Various Sections of a

Cover Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-Power, And Domestic Water-Supply. : With An Account of Various Types of Dams And the Methods And Plans of Their Construction. Together With a Discussion of the Available Water-Supply for Irrigation in Various Sections of a
Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-Power, And Domestic Water-Supply. : With An Account of Various Types of Dams And the Methods And Plans of Their Construction. Together With a Discussion of the Available Water-Supply for Irrigation in Various Sections of a
Schuyler, James D. (James Dix), 1848-1912
The book Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-Power, And Domestic Water-Supply. : With An Account of Various Types of Dams And the Methods And Plans of Their Construction. Together With a Discussion of the Available Water-Supply for Irrigation in Various Sections of a was written by author Here you can read free online of Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-Power, And Domestic Water-Supply. : With An Account of Various Types of Dams And the Methods And Plans of Their Construction. Together With a Discussion of the Available Water-Supply for Irrigation in Various Sections of a book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-Power, And Domestic Water-Supply. : With An Account of Various Types of Dams And the Methods And Plans of Their Construction. Together With a Discussion of the Available Water-Supply for Irrigation in Various Sections of a a good or bad book?
Where can I read Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-Power, And Domestic Water-Supply. : With An Account of Various Types of Dams And the Methods And Plans of Their Construction. Together With a Discussion of the Available Water-Supply for Irrigation in Various Sections of a for free?
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The dam is constructed of large stone, with spaces thoroughly filled with concrete, made of crushed granite 3 parts, sand 3 parts, and Yankton Portland cement 1 part. It was designed for an ultimate height of 120 feet above the lowest foundation, assumed to be at elevation 6780 feet above sea-level, or 30 feet below stream-bed, and was curved up-stream with a radius of 350 feet from its water-face. The thick- ness at base was to be 83 feet, and at top 10 feet ; up-stream face vertical.
At full
...height it would impound about 1,000,000,000 gallons (3069 acre- feet), covering' an area of 130 acres to a mean depth of 23.6 feet. The dam was not completed higher than to the 5860-foot contour, or 40 feet below the projected crest, although its actual maximum height is 88 feet, of which 28 feet is below the stream-bed level, and it now can impound Digitized by Google Digitized by Google O

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