Seaside Secrets

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Four, not three. Four. Apparently Sky had had a nagging intuition that something big was going on at Seaside and she didn’t want to miss out. Sky had grown up on the Cape. She’d come back to help run their father’s hardware store when their father went into rehab two summers ago, and she’d fallen back in love with the area and was here to stay. She’d also quickly become another Seaside bestie. At the moment she had her feet tucked beneath her legs, her long cotton skirt tangled around her knees,... and her tie-dyed tank top slipping off one shoulder while Jenna painted her fingernails a deep shade of purple.
    “Well?” Bella pushed. She and the other girls were still wearing their pajamas, too. They were all braless. Bella wore a tank top and shorts, while Leanna and Jenna had on camis and silky shorts to match.
    I really need to sex up my sleepwear. She glanced down at Tony’s shirt and decided she’d rather wear Tony’s shirt than sexy lingerie any day of the week.

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