Sense of Rumor

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"What's that?" "When Tracy likes a guy, she introduces you to them. If she likes them, you sleep with them to test their loyalty." Arnella's slightly damp eyes were blinking at him as if he had two heads. "I have never done anything like that in my life." Alric got up. "Tracy told me that you have done it with six guys already, and she cautioned me that I am the seventh." Arnella lay back down in the settee, clutched the cushion even closer to her, and said weakly, "That's a shocker." "What's a ...shocker?" Alric stooped down before her. "Talk to me." They stared at each other and then Arnella closed her eyes. "Do you believe her?" "I don't want to," Alric said. "I was so jealous today when I heard. I was just about getting over seeing you with those three guys at her party, and now this. I don't want to like you Arnella, but I can't help it. This feeling. It's confusing and crazy and exciting and dreadful all rolled into one." "There is no Arnella test," she said quietly. She had no energy to defend her already battered reputation.

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