Shakespeare's Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet

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What reading level is Shakespeare's Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

190. Purchase out. Cf. buy out in C, of E. i. 2. 5, K. John, iii. i. 164, Ham. iii. 3. 60, etc.
192. Hour. Metrically a dissyllable, as often. Gr. 480.
194. Mercy but 7mcrthers, etc. Malone quotes 'ii3.]t,Mci7ioi-ials : "When I find myself swayed to mercy, let me remember likewise that there is a mercy due to the country." Scene II. — i. Gallop apace, 3tc. Malone remarks that S. probably remembered Marlowe's Edward II. which was performed before 1593 : " Gallop apace, bright Phoebus, through th
...e skie, And dusky night, in rusty iron car ; Between you both, shorten the time, I pray, That I may see that most desired day ;" and Barnaby Rich's Farewell, 15S3 : "The day to his seeming passed away so slowely that he had thought the stately steedes had bin tired that drawe the chariot of the Sunne, and wished that Phaeton had beene there with a whippe." 2. Lodging. Some editors substitute "mansion" from the ist quarto.
3. Phaethon. For other allusions to the ambitious youth, see T. G. of V.

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