Silent Daughter 3: Owned

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I look up at my hand, still holding the doorknob that was not supposed to move. And, yet, it has.
    I am so struck by surprise that I instinctively jump away from the door. The hairpin falls to the wooden floor and causes a strangely loud noise as it lands on the surface.
    This must be a trap. It is impossible that he forgot to lock the damn door, especially when I am not chained to the hook next to the bed. He would never allow this to happen; he is better than this.
    I am panting, thou
...ghts running wild while I try to figure out what I should do.
    Why am I not running? Any other person would have swung the door open and make a run for it. Even if this were a trap, a normal person would still try.
    So should I.
    But I need to be smart about it. I cannot even imagine the kind of punishment I would receive if this was a trick and Leonard was standing behind that door, waiting for me to run out like a wild, scared animal.

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