Sleeper (Crossfire Series)

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Lily stared at it. So the line was working. Maybe Reed managed to get it turned back on. She was so tempted to pick it up and answer. Who would know she was here anyway? She should answer it.
What if it wasn’t Reed but his friend or someone looking for either of them? It rang again, insistently calling to her. She reached out and placed her hand on the handle.
This was ridiculous. Her heart was racing maniacally. She was afraid of a stupid phone, how ridiculous was that? She, who had done so muc
...h…. She closed her eyes. She who had betrayed friends precisely because of a damn phone manipulating her. She didn’t know what or how, but something about phones had made her do the very things she abhorred most. She’d sold Amber for her own misguided agenda!
Lily released the phone handle and backed away from the hall table, staring at it as if it were some wild, dangerous beast about to leap at her. She turned and caught sight of her image reflected in the wall mirror.
Her dark eyes were wide with panic.

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Sleeper (Crossfire Series)
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