Streaks of Life... With a Portrait

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and presently, in deep, emotional chest-notes, my new friend was chiming in. The song was ' Here's a health to one I love dear,' and she seemed ready to die at the beauty of the lift of the final phrase — one of the exquisite things in music. Then came more and more of our folk-songs, and I saw I had .to do with one of infallible musical instinct. Thus the tea-party ended for me in a blaze of delight, and after Donna Laura's departure our Ambassador's son. Captain Richard Ford, who was passing ...through Rome, electrified the company by saying in his slowest, clearest drawl : ' I don't know who that old woman was that wouldn't come away from the piano and kept on sayin' all the time you were singin' : "Que c'est jolli ! • . . que c'est bo ! ", but / thought it rather a hore . . . didn't you ? ' Donna Laura lived in a Palazzetto facing the Piazza Paganica, part of the huge block that includes the Palazzo Sermoneta, and Palazzo Antici Mattel, on one floor of which lived my friend Henry Brewster (' H.B.') ; and from a window of his apartment I used to see her, day by day, on the stroke of 3, shoot out of her house door and into her little brougham with the extraordinary swiftness that characterised her both physically and mentally.

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