The Adventures of Inspector Lestrade

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Two parties emerged through the wet greyness of the dawn, walking in parallel down the overhung greenness of Swain’s Lane. To the left walked His Royal Highness, the Duke of Clarence, in the patrol jacket and forage cap of the 10th Hussars. Behind him, draped with cloaks and rattling with spurs and accoutrements, four of his brother-officers, grim-faced and moustachioed. To the right, arm in arm against the chill of the morning, Inspector Lestrade, wrapped in his Donegal and Mrs Mauleverer in a ...velvet walking-out dress. Behind them, crisp in morning coat and non-regulation bowler, Harry Bandicoot, and, in his one and only suit, Walter Dew, constables of Scotland Yard. It made a faintly ludicrous and extremely unlikely picture. It was the morning of September 16th, 1891. It was the modern world. But one man was not going to walk away.
The officers of the law took their positions at the gates of the Egyptian Avenue. The Hussars tramped to the top. There was an awkward pause and then two of them came down to the centre.

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The Adventures of Inspector Lestrade
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