The Corruption of Mila

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Jax said for about the fifth time in the span of five minutes. Those were the only two words in his vocabulary for that moment in time. Annoying.I shook my head and walked with him through the dark alleys of downtown. “It's not your fault. You didn't call the paparazzi and ask them to show up and take pictures of you.”“Still…”“If you say you're sorry again, I think I'm going to beat you over the head with my purse.” I glared at him, trying to keep it light, but I'm pretty sure he knew I was seri...ous because he winced. It got him to be quiet at least.I took the time to think about everything I knew about Jax. Not like I stalked the gossip rags like a teenage girl for any information I could find on him or anything. The most I came up with was that he was twenty-seven, which made him three years older than me. No wonder Morgan decided to set us up. She probably thought I'd be a breath of fresh air for him, we'd fall in love at first sight, and then we'd have five million babies to fill up all of the rooms in our mansion.

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The Corruption of Mila
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