The Demon Duke And I

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It’s said that 8 out of 10 homes here have more secret doors than actual doors.
#wtf #ibetdanbrownwouldlovethis             Werewolves were so moody.
          One minute he was smirking, and then the next thing she knew his face had turned cold, and his voice was even colder when he said, “Milady.”
          Right now, he wasn’t looking at her in the manner where George had to worry about being his next meal. No, this time---           George swallowed.
          This time, the werewolf almost
...looked like he wanted to kill her.
          What the fuck had she done?
The werewolf ran his hand along the wall, stopped at some indiscriminate area, and tapped. The wall swung open, revealing a secret passageway that led into the dark. “Come, milady. There is someone I would like you to talk to.”
          Are you fucking insane? She didn’t want to say the words out loud, but George was pretty sure that was how she was looking at him even if she tried not to.

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